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The FACCSF Sustainability Committee invites you for a discussion with John Wick, co-owner of the Nicasio Native Grass Ranch and co-founder of the Marin Carbon Project

Can we lower the earth's temperature while increasing our food resources?

Yes, we can! It can be done by improving carbon sequestration in rangeland, agriculture, and forest soils through applied research and implementation.

Beyond sequestering carbon, which is a massively necessary endeavor, the large-scale application of carbon farming techniques has the potential to transform agriculture in many other ways, increasing productivity as well as our relationship with the land.  How can we help support and implement this amazing soil solution to global climate change?

John will tell us about the miraculous power of "compost" and the extensive studies and research that has been conducted on this topic and its applications.


Thank you to Capgemini Applied Innovation Exchange for hosting us for the event!

September 19th, 2023 6:00 PM   through   8:30 PM
Capgemini Applied Innovation Exchange
425 Brannan St
San Francisco, 94107
United States
Event Fee(s)
FACCSF Member ticket $ 0.00
Non-member Ticket $ 20.00