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Wine is one of the oldest products in the world and over the past 6000 years has become prevalent worldwide, particularly, with year over year positive growth in consumption in the U.S. for the past two decades. A product that around the world is steeped in history and tradition is now expanding into new realms of innovation to entice new audiences to experience wine differently. Learn how Boisset Collection combines French style and winemaking expertise with tangential industries like fashion, design, tech, the arts and more to create unique, unforgettable experiences around wine that caters to American audiences and culture. Participate in an immersive tasting and introductory excursion into the world of JCB and brand marketing at the JCB Lounge in the Ritz Carlton.




Lisa N. Brown, Brand Manager at Boisset Collection for the Import Portfolio and LVE (a partnership with singer, songwriter and actor John Legend), began her wine & marketing career in Dijon, France while completing her studies in Wine Business at the University of Burgundy and working at a Négociant in Beaune. She traded the French countryside for the Napa Valley when she joined Boisset Collection where wine is steeped in tradition and is the centripetal force in creating unique and emotive wine experiences. With a solid foundation in French and Californian wine history, Boisset wineries and brands have an authenticity that Lisa has leveraged to pair with the fashion, music, film, travel, media, design and tech industries to bring to life the innovative vision of Jean-Charles Boisset.                                                           


Who? Expert & up to 12 participants
How? Our expert will tell you all about the theme of the day and will save some time for questions
When? Monday, December 3rd, 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Where? JCB Tasting Lounge, Ritz Carlton 600 Stockton St, San Francisco, CA 94108 Why? Learn and network

Price? Free for members – Non-members: $50

December 3rd, 2018 5:30 PM   through   7:30 PM
Ritz Carlton 600 Stockton St
San Francisco, 94108-CA
United States
Event Fee(s)
Event Fee(s) for members $ 35.00
Event Fee(s) for non-members $ 50.00